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Rajasthan Council of Secondary Education (RCSE Bikaner) will be releasing the BSTC 2019 Online Form for the Diploma Entrance Exam for Rajasthan Basic School Teaching Course (Rajasthan BSTC 2019) during the 4th week of February 2019. The Rajasthan BSTC Online Form 2019 will be released online and interested candidates will have to submit the D. El. Ed. BSTC Application Form online from the official website of BSTC 2019. The application submission will involve creating a candidate login account from the official website of BSTC 2019. With the registered account, candidates will have to fill the application form with relevant and correct details. Images will be uploaded and fee is to be paid. There will not be any application correction facility available.
Staff Selection Commission will announce the official notification for SSC CHSL Recruitment 2019. The SSC CHSL Selection process 2019 is a multi-level event
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Tagghyl replied
453 weeks ago