c5c6fea75a Brazil's diamonds come from rivers. Winston sent for his chief polisher and one of his veteran salesmen. As Wake-Walker had said, "Sometimes the greater the discretion that such a stone can be handled with adds to its value. It was Goldberg too who had polished the famous Pumpkin diamond, a vivid orange with a finished weight of 5.54 carats, bought by Harry Winston for $1.3 million. Product Details ISBN-13: 9780802713681 Publisher: Walker & Company Publication date: 11/01/2001 Pages: 276 Product dimensions: 6.00(w) x 9.50(h) x 1.00(d) Related Subjects 2002 Discover Great New Writers Winter Selections Design - Jewelry General & Miscellaneous Basic Materials Industries - History Mineralogy Mining Industries Rocks, Minerals & Gems Read an Excerpt A Large Pink On the morning of May 9, 1999, on the upper reaches of the Rio Abaete in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, three garimpeiros anchored their barge in the muddy current and began to suction gravel from the river. It was roughly triangular in shape and measured about an inch and a half on the longest side. He got out of his car and the garimpeiros came to meet him. In the case of the pink, it did not matter that the barge belonged to Gilmar Campos. When the emotions of the moment passed, the brothers thought about the implications of the stone. Gisnei recalled that he was shaking so much he could barely drive.
A window is a facet polished onto a piece of rough, as uncut diamonds are called, to enable a tactician to assess the interior of a stone before cutting it. Geraldo arrived first. It was a strong pink; he had never seen its like. Gerhart In This Review Diamond: A Journey to the Heart of an Obsession Matthew Hart Walker, 2001 276 pp. Carstens, an anthropologist, examines the social history of his hometown, Kleinzee, on South Africa's Diamond Coast, to demonstrate how the company town was organized to serve De Beers' interest in tight control and high profits. When Hart (editor of the New York trade magazine Rapaport Diamond Report) traces the diamond frenzy that struck Canada in the 1990s, his writing is as polished and fiery as when Kanfer re-created the machinations of Cecil Rhodes and Barney Barnato, the Romulus and Remus of the South African diamond cartel. His books include three novels and two previous works of nonfiction, including the story of the greatest gold discovery in the western hemisphere. Gerhart Political Development May/June 2002 Capsule Review Federalism and Ethnic Conflict in Nigeria Gail M. Gerhart Global Institutions May/June 2002 Capsule Review Children of AIDS: Africa's Orphan Crisis Gail M.
Tagghyl replied
455 weeks ago